Godišnji izveštaj za 2018. – Annual Report
Leskovac 05.02.2019godine
U izvestajnom periodu Odboru za ljudska prava u Leskovcu za pravnu pomoc i savete obratila su se 3819 korisnika, od kojih su se najveci broj korisnika javila licno dolaskom u kancelariju, za koju znaju iz novina, televizije ili od ranijih korisnika nasih usluga, 33 lica javila su se telefonom, dok su se dva lica javila pismom, jedno obicnim jedno elektronskom postom.
Sto se tice nacionalne strukture korisnika nasih usluga j 21 korisnik je Albanac, 15 Roma i ostali korisnici su srpske nacionalnosti.
U izvestajnom periodu slucajevi 2921 lica su iz oblasti delatnosti Odbora dok ostali slucajevi nisu iz oblasti delatnosti Odbora.
Pravne savete koji su iz oblasti delatnosti Odbora trazilo je 177 lica, dok je pravne savete koji nisu iz oblasti rada Odbora trazilo 197 korisnika.
U izvestajnom periodu u razmatranje za zastupanje uzeli smo 211 slucajeva,
U izvestajnom periodu napisali smo 811zalbu, odnosno pomogli gradjanima da sami podnesu zalbe I ostvare svoja prava.
Sto se tice strukture prava povodom cijeg krsenja ili ugrozavanja su nam se stranke javljale, gledano sa aspekta Deklaracije Generalne skupstine UN o ljudskim pravima, ta struktura izgleda na sledeci nacin:
-cl.1 Deklaracije, pravo na ljudsko dostojanstvo-
-cl.5 Deklaracije, povreda zabrane svirepog i necovecnog postupanja prema ljudima
-cl.7 Deklaracije, povreda prava na jednaku zastitu zakona bez diskriminacije,
-cl.8 Deklaracije, povreda prava na efikasnu sudsku zastitu,
-cl.10 Deklaracije, pravo na pravicno sudjenje pred nezavisnim i nepristrasnim sudom,
-cl.17 Deklaracije, nezakonito oduzimanje imovine,
-cl.21 Deklaracije, pravo na ravnopravni pristup javnim sluzbama,
-cl.23 Deklaracije, povede prava na rad i zadovoljavajuce uslove rada,
-cl.25 Deklaracije, pravo na osnovni zivotni standard,
Iz izvestaja je evidentno da su nam se tokom cele 2018 godine godine, najvise javljali ljudi kojima su povredjena prava na efikasnu sudsku zastitu i pravo na pravicno sudjenje pred nezavisnim I nepristrasnim sudovima
Sto se tice stanja ljudskih prava u ovoj godini generalno belezimo pomak na bolje, ali belezimo slucajeve nepostovanje gradjana od strane monopolske firme “Telekom”, koja ima tako beskrupulozne razmere ,takodje belezimo dosta slucajeva nesporazuma firme Elektrodistribucija sa gradjanima I lose vodjenje evidencije o naplati potrazivanja koje je uvek na stetu gradjana.
Od strane gradjana nema prituzbi na rad gradskih organa vlasti I njihovog nepostovanja ljudskih prava. Ima sporadicnih slucaja zalbi gradjana na rad pojedinih sudija iz Opstinskog I Viseg suda.Ima takodje primedbi na dugo trajanja sudskih procesa I neblagovremeno donosenje presuda.
Iz Opstine Medvedja belezimo zalbe gradjana na bespravnu secu suma I nesporazuma sa dokumentima o drzavljanstvu.Inace nema izvestaja I primedbi na lose medjunacionalne odnose.
Zakoniti zastupnik Odbora
Dobrosav Nesic,
Leskovac, February 5th, 2019
In the reporting period, 3819 users have addressed the Committee for Human Rights in Leskovac for legal assistance and advice, where most of them reported to the office in person, for which they knew from newspapers, television or from previous users of our services, 33 persons called us on the telephone, while 2 people sent us mail, one by a letter and the other one by e-mail.
As for the national structure of the users of our services, 21 users are Albanians, 15 are Roma and the other users are of Serbian nationality.
In the reporting period, cases of 2921 persons are from the field of activity of the Committee while the other cases are not in the field of activity of the Committee.
Legal advice from the field of activity of the Committee was requested by 177 persons, while legal advice that is not from the field of activity of the Committee was requested by 197 users.
In the reporting period, we took 211 cases into consideration for representation.
In the reporting period, we filed 811 complaints, i.e., we helped citizens to file complaints by themselves and exercise their rights.
Regarding the law structure on the occasion of the violation or endangerment, viewed from the aspect of the Declaration of Human rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, this structure looks like the following:
– art. 1 of the Declaration, the right to respect human dignity;
– art. 5 of the Declaration, the prohibition of being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
– art. 7 of the Declaration, the right to equal protection of the law without any discrimination;
– art. 8 of the Declaration, the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law;
– art. 10 of the Declaration, the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;
– art. 17 of the Declaration, the right to own property and the prohibition to being arbitrarily deprived of owned property;
– art. 21 of the Declaration, the right to take part in the government and the right of equal access to public service in his country;
– art. 23 of the Declaration, the right to work and to just and favorable condition of work;
– art. 25 of the Declaration, the right to a standard of living adequately.
It is evident from the report that during the entire year of 2018, the people who reported the most were the people who were denied the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.
This year, as far as the state of human rights is concerned, in general, we note a change for the better, but we note cases of disrespect of citizens by the monopoly firm “Telekom”, which has unscrupulous conditions, we also note many cases of misunderstanding between the company “Elektrodistribucija” and citizens, and poor record keeping of recovery of outstanding debts which is always at the expense of the citizens.
Citizens have no complaints about the work of city authorities and disrespect of human rights. There are sporadic cases of citizens filing complaints against the work of some judges from the Municipal and Higher Courts. There are also objections to the long duration of trials and the untimely delivery of judgments.
From the Municipality of Medvedja we note the complaints of citizens against the illegal logging and misunderstandings with citizenship documents. There are no reports and objections to bad interethnic relations.
Legal Representative of the Committee
Dobrosav Nesic