април, 2017
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Godišnji izveštaj za 2016. – Annual report
Leskovac 08.03.2016. godine
U toku 2016 godine Odboru za ljudska prava u Leskovcu za pravnu pomoc i pravne savete obratilo se 3376 ljudi.Od toga 3120 korisnika nasih usluga obratilo nam se licno dolaskom u kancelariju Odbora za koji su culi iz medija, od prijatelja ili korisnika nasih usluga,
Sto se tice nacionalne strukture korisnika nasih usluga najvise je pripadnika Srpske nacionalnosti, zatim jedna grupa pripadnika Bugarske nacionalnosti iz Bosilegrada i Surdulice, pripadnici Romske nacionalnosti iz Leskovca, Surdulice, Vranja i Beograda, tri pripadnika Albanske nacionalnosti od kojih dva iz Leskovca i jedan iz Medvedje i jedan Palestinac. Po prvi put su nam se javila za pravnu pomoc 14 migranata iz Iraka, Sirije i Avganistana
U izvestajnom periodu slucajevi 3221 korisnika po nasoj oceni bili su iz oblasti delatnosti Odbora, 123 korisnika nisu bili iz oblasti rada ovog Odbora.
Pravne savete u slucajevima iz oblasti delatnosti Odbora u izvestajnom periodu trazilo je i dobilo 242 korisnika,
Sto se tice strukture prava, gledano sa aspekta Deklaracije Generalne skupstine Ujedinjenih nacija povodom cijeg krsenja ili ugrozavanja su nam se korisnici u izvestajnom periodu obracali za pomoc i zastitu, ta struktura izgleda na sledeci nacin:
-cl.1 Deklaracije, pravo na postovanje ljudskog dostojanstva
-cl.3 Deklaracije, pravo na zivot slobodu i licnu bezbednost,
-cl.5 Deklaracije, zabrana mucenja svirepog ili necovecnog ili ponizavajuceg postupanja ili kaznjavanja ljudi,
-cl.6 Deklaracije, – pravo na pravni subjektivitet
-cl.7 Deklaracije, pravo na jednaku zastitu zakona bez diskriminacije
-cl.8 Deklaracije, pravo na efikasnu sudsku zastitu od dela krsenja osnovnih prava priznatih ustavom i zakonom
-cl.9 Deklaracije, zabrana proizvoljnog hapsenja i pritvaranja
-cl.10 Deklaracije, pravo na pravicno sudjenje pred nezavisnim i nepristrasnim sudom
-cl.12 Deklaracije, zabrana proizvoljnog mesanja u privatni zivot, porodicu stan prepisku i napadima na cast i ugled
-cl.13 Deklaracije, pravo na slobodu kretanja
-cl.17 Deklaracije, pravo na imovinu i zabrane samovoljnog lisenja imovine
-cl.19 Deklaracije, pravo na slobodu misljenja i izrazavanja misljenja
-cl.20 Deklaracije, pravo na slobodu mirnog zbora i udruzivanja
-cl.21 Deklaracije, pravo na ucestvovanje u upravljanju javnim poslovima i pravo svakog da na ravnopravnoj osnovi stupa u javnu sluzbu u svojoj zemlji
-cl.23 Deklaracije, pravo na rad i zadovoljavajuce uslove rada
-cl.24 Deklaracije, pravo na odmor
-cl.25 Deklaracije, pravo na zadovoljavajuci zivotni standard i pravo na stan
-cl.26 Deklaracije, pravo na skolovanje
Najveci broj nasih korisnika je trazio pomoc iz radnih odnosa.To su zaostala primanja otpustenih radnika iz propalih firmi Ili lose privatizovanih a koji nemaju sredstva da angazuju advokate.Takodje veliki broj njih ima neuplaceni radni staz ili nepovezan sa njihovim predhodnim radnim angazovanjem. Naime, to su radnici firmi nad kojima su pokrenuti stečajni postupci još pre 7 godina, I koji još uvek traju. Radnici su vodili parnične postupke pred Osnovnim sudom u Leskovcu, ishodovali pravnosnažne I izvršne presude na ime neisplaćenih minimalnih zarada kao I na ime uplate zakonom propisane doprinose , neisplaćenu otpremninu , regres za godišnji odmor, kao I troškove postupka sve sa zakonskom zateznom kamatom. Tuženici nisu dobrovoljno isplaćivali iznose određene presudama, te su radnici pokretali postupke izvršenja. Nad izvršnim dužnikom, tj. Firmama, otvoreni su stečajni postupci, I postupci izvršenja su prekinuti. Izvršni poverioci tj.radnici su prijavili potraživanja u stečajnom postupku, Privredni sud im je priznao I razvrstao u određeni isplatni red, najčešće treći ili četvrti. Evropski sud za ljudska prava u Strazburu zauzeo je stav da potraživanje radnika utvrđeno pravnosnažnom I izvršnom presudom predstavlja njihovu imovinu. Takodje Sud je zauzeo je stav da se postupci izvršenja I postupak stečaja posmatraju jedinstveno. Od 01.01.2016.godine stupio je na snagu Zakon o zaštiti prava na suđenje u razumnom roku. U skladu sa svim napred navedenim, napisali smo veliki broj Prigovora za ubrzavanje postupka, tužbi za naknadu nematerijalne štete , Ustavnih žalbi zbog povrede Ustavom zagarantovanih prava, kao I predstavke Evropskom sudu za ljudska prava u Strazburu zbog povrede Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava I osnovnih sloboda I predviđenim Protokolima.
Iavilo nam se I desetine korisnika koji ne mogu da naplate svoja potrazivanja od strane pojedinih advokata.Naime drzava je po odluci Medjunarodnog suda iz Strazbura uplatila sredstva po odluci suda na racun advokata, ali neki advokati ta uplacena sredstva ne isplacuju svojim klijentima vec ih drze na svojim racunima I kako,kazu nasi klijenti nemaju nameru ni da im uplate jer to traje vise od godinu dana. Mi smo sa takvim stanjem obevestili Ministarstvo pravde.
Imali smo I nekoliko slucajeva prebijanja mladjih ljudi od strane nepoznatih pocinilaca koji pripadaju LGBT zajednici.Na nas savet oni su se organizovali u jednu odrzivu grupu I kako nemaju gde da se sastaju mi smo im omogucili sastanke u nasim prostorijama gde razgovaraju o svojim problemima.
Nema incidenata sa romskom populacijom koja je u nasem gradu velika ,sem problema sa zaposljavanjem ali to je problem I vecinskog srpskog stanovnistva. Lokalna vlast je uspela da smanji procenat nezaposljenosti ali to jos uvek nije dovoljno.
Vec trecu godinu nemamo prutuzbe na rad lokalnih organa vlasti I imamo samo reci hvale na rad gradonacelnika I njegovog kabineta. Ima sporadicnih zalbi na rad pojedinaca iz gradjevinske inspekcija,ali to smo prosledili Repubickim organima.
Ono sto zabrinjava je pojava migranata na ovoj balkanskoj ruti,gde pojedini prevoznici ilegalno prevoze migrante I kada im naplate prevoz ostavljaju ih duz auto puta Skoplje- Nis
I to u delu Grdelicke klisure I blize Leskovcu.
Zakoniti zastupnik Odbora,
Dobrosav Nesic
Leskovac March 08, 2016
In the course of 2016, to the Committee for Human Rights in Leskovac, 3376 people approached for legal assistance and legal advice. Of those, 3120 users of our services contacted us personally in our office of the Committee, for which they heard from the media, or from their friends or from other users of our services.
Regarding the national structure of the users of our services, most members are of Serbian nationality, followed by a group of users of Bulgarian nationality from Bosilegrad and Surdulica, then members of Roma nationality from Leskovac, Surdulica, Vranje and Belgrade, three users of Albanian nationality of which two are from Leskovac and one from Medvedja, and one Palestinian. For the first time, 14 migrants from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan approached to us for legal aid.
In the reporting period, 3221 cases of users were, based on our assessment, in the Committee’s field of expertise, 123 users were not in the field of this Committee.
In the reporting period, 242 users has sought and received legal advice in cases from the Committee’s field.
As for the structure of the rights, viewed from the point of the Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly, our users have sought help and protection because of its violation or threatening, that structure looks as following:
– Article 1 of the Declaration, the right to human dignity,
– Article 3 of the Declaration, the right to life, liberty and security of person,
– Article 5 of the Declaration, no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,
– Article 6 of the Declaration, the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law,
– Article 7 of the Declaration, the right to equal protection of the law without any discrimination,
– Article 8 of the Declaration, the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law,
– Article 9 of the Declaration, no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile,
– Article 10 of the Declaration, everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal,
– Article 12 of the Declaration, no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attack upon his honor and reputation,
– Article 13 of the Declaration, the right to freedom of movement
– Article 17 of the Declaration, the right to own property and no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property,
– Article 19 of the Declaration, the right to freedom of opinion and expression,
– Article 20 of the Declaration, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association,
– Article 21 of the Declaration, the right to take part in the government of his country and the right of equal access to public service in his country,
– Article 23 of the Declaration, the right to work and to just and favorable conditions of work,
– Article 24 of the Declaration, the right to rest,
– Article 25 of the Declaration, the right to a standard of adequate living and housing,
– Article 26 of the Declaration, the right to education.
Most of our users asked for help related to work. Those are residual incomes of the laid-off workers of bankrupt companies or poorly privatized and who do not have the means to hire lawyers. Also, many of them have unpaid employment status or are unrelated to their previous employment. Namely, those are the workers of the companies on which bankruptcy proceedings were initiated 7 years ago, and which are still ongoing. Workers have initiated civil proceedings before the Municipal court in Leskovac, they brokered final and enforceable judgment for unpaid minimum wages as well as payments of the statutory contributions, unpaid severance pay, the regress for annual leave, as well as all the costs of the proceeding with the statutory default interest. Defendants have not voluntarily paid the amount determined by the judgment, so the workers had to initiate enforcement proceedings. Bankruptcy proceedings were launched against the judgment debtor, i.e. Companies, so the enforcement proceedings were discontinued. Executive creditors, i.e. workers, have filed claims in the bankruptcy proceeding and the Commercial court had acknowledged and sorted it into a certain payout order, usually the third or fourth. The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg assumed an attitude that workers’ claims determined by a final and enforceable judgment constitute their property. Also, the Court assumed an attitude that the enforcement proceedings and bankruptcy proceedings are uniquely observed. From January 01, 2016, the Law on the protection of the right to trial came into effect within a reasonable timeframe. According to all mentioned above, we wrote a large number of Complaints for accelerating proceedings, lawsuits for non-pecuniary damage, the Constitutional complaints for the violation of Constitutionally guaranteed rights, as well as the petitions to European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for violation of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms as amended by Protocols.
Dozens of users came to us who cannot collect their claims from certain lawyers. Namely, the country, according to the decision of the International Court in Strasbourg, paid the funds by court decision to lawyers’ accounts, but some lawyers did not pay to their clients these deposited funds, but kept them on their account and, as our clients say, had no intention to pay because it has lasted for over a year and it is still ongoing. We have informed the Ministry of justice about this situation. We have had several cases where young people, who belong to the LGBT community, have been beaten by unknown perpetrators. On our advice, they organized themselves into a viable group, and because they had no place to meet, we allowed them to have meetings in our rooms where they can talk about their problems.
There were no incidents with Roma population, which is large in our city, except a problem with employment, but that is also a problem for the Serbian population, which is the majority in the city. The local government has managed to reduce the percentage of unemployment but it is still not enough.
For the third year, we have had no complaint about the work of local authorities and we had only words of praise on the work of the Mayor and his cabinet. There are sporadic complaints on the work of individuals from the Department of Building Inspection, but we forwarded them to the Republic authorities.
The thing that worries us is the appearance of migrants on this Balkan route, where certain transporters have been illegally transporting migrants, and after charging them the transport, they leave them along the highway Skopje-Nis near the Grdelica Gorge and Leskovac.
Legal representative of the Committee,
Dobrosav Nesic