O slobodi izražavanja i mišljenja / On the freedom of thought and expression


U toku 2013. godine kritikovao sam rad clana gradske vlade u Leskovcu. On me je tuzio sudu.Osnovni sud u Leskovcu nije uvazio moje razloge da imam pravo na kriticko misljenje po clanu 46 Ustava Srbije , po clanu 19 Univerzalne Deklaracije o Ljudskim Pravima UN I Konvencije o ljudskim pravima clan 10.

Proglasen sam krivim za krivicno delo uvrede iz cl.170 st.1 Krivicnog Zakona. Ja sam se zalio Visem sudu ali je sud potvrdio kaznu Osnovnog suda. Platio sam clanu gradske vlade advokatske I sudske troskove u iznosu od oko 900 E.

Podneo sam zalbu Ustavnom sudu Srbije I jos cekam odluku. U medjuvremenu taj clan gradske vlade je podneo tuzbu za naknadu nematerijalne stete a po osnovu osudjujuce presude, u kojoj trazi da platim 150 000 dinara za dusevne bolove zbog povrede casti I ugleda.

Ako su u procesu pristupanja EU otvorena poglavlja 23 I 24 koji se odnose ,izmedju ostalog,I na prava na slobodu misljenja a bez posledica po onog koji iznosi misljenje,da li ova prava vaze za leskovacko pravosudje.

Zakoniti zastupnik Odbora za ljudska prava Leskovac,Dobrosav Nesic


During 2013, I had criticized the work of the member of the city government in Leskovac. He sued me. Basic Court in Leskovac did not accept my reasons that I have the right to express criticism according to the Article 46 of the Constitution of Serbia, the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of UN and according to the Convention on Human Rights, the Article 10.

I was declared guilty of the criminal offense of insult described in the Article 170, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law. I had complained to the Higher Court, but the Court confirmed the sentence of the Basic Court. I paid attorney’s fees and court costs to the member of the city government in the amount of approximately 900e.

I filed a complaint to the Constitutional Court of Serbia and I am still anticipating a decision. In the meantime, the member of the city government has filed a claim for non-pecuniary damage based on the convicting verdict, in which he is asking me to pay 150.000 dinars for mental distress due to the violation of honor and reputation.

If the chapters 23 and 24 have been opened during the process of accession to the EU, that are referring to, inter alia, the right to freedom of opinion without consequences for the one who expresses his opinion, do these rights apply to Leskovac judiciary?

Legal representative of the Committee for Human Rights, Leskovac, Dobrosav Nesic.

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